Copying Campaigns
Copy Campaigns to quickly set up a campaign similar to one you have previously run.
- Select the campaign from either the Documents folder or your recent documents.
- Click the
Open Copy button.
- The campaign name will be a copy of your original campaign's name. Click on the Document Information icon
to change the name, then click
Apply Changes.
- On the
Overview tab, the start date defaults to today's date. Change the start date to schedule the campaign to run in the future. If dates have been specified in the original campaign for either the Stop Process and or the End Date, these dates will be copied into this campaign. Amend or remove these dates if necessary.
- The end date will be the end date of the campaign you copied. Either remove the end date so that the campaign runs for the foreseeable future or enter a new end date.
- You can then configure the new campaign by making changes to the following:
- Tactics
- Audience
- Variables (you cannot rename any copied local variables)
- Cells
- Tracks
- Events
- Triggers
- Save and run the campaign.